Graeme & Ann live in Bath and learnt to Lindy Hop in the 1990’s at the start of the Swing revival. Among their teachers were the Jiving Lindy Hoppers and the late, great Frankie Manning. They have achieved national success and are twice U.K. Lindy Hop Champions. They have done a lot of T.V., video and film work including; BBC’s ‘Turn Back Time -The High Street’ - London Weekend's ‘Barrymore Show’ - the title sequence for ‘Josie’ on Channel 5 - featured Lindy dancers in BBC’s ‘String of Pearls’~ a history of swing music - even a comedy dance routine with the late Rod Hull and Emu.
They were the choreographers for an animated jitterbug sequence in Aardman Animation's major film release, "CHICKEN RUN"
Graeme and Ann work full time teaching and performing all over the country with their dance group ‘Hoppin' Mad’ and currently run classes in Bristol and Bath. UK workshops have recently been in Cardiff, Birmingham, Portsmouth and Exeter, as well as visits to schools and universities They will come and teach anywhere that people are interested in learning Lindy. They have taught and performed in New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Sydney, Denmark, Ireland and New Zealand. They have also taken part in the Miami Art Deco Festival and Derry Jazz Festivals.

Chicken Run
Plots with a View

Turn Back Time - The High Street’ - BBC
‘The Barrymore Show’ - London Weekend Television
‘Dancing in the Dark’ - BBC
‘A String of Pearls’ - BBC
‘A Winter's Tale’ - BBC
‘Josie’ - Channel 5
‘Class of '58’ - BBC
‘Glenn Miller's Last Flight’ - Channel 4
‘Forty Second Suite’ - BBC Advert
‘1st Cut’ - HTV
‘Music Writers on TV’ - HTV
‘V.E.Day - HTV.
‘Club 22.45’ - Westcountry TV
‘The Pulse’ - HTV Wales

'Sex Education' - Netflix

"Rockin' at the Ritz" - The King Swingers
‘Love Roller Coaster’
Lindy Hop Library

‘A Coming Together’ - Wimborne Arts Festival
Duke Ellington's ‘The Sacred Music’
‘The Red Shoes’ - Kneehigh Theatre
‘Riverboat Shuffle’ - Allendale Theatre
‘Hoppin' Mad - Touring show - New Theatre Royal - Portsmouth - Q.E.H.Theatre Bristol etc.
‘Class of '58 ‘ - B.B.C. Wales
‘Tristran and Yseult’ - Kneehigh Theatre
‘Nights at the Circus’ - Kneehigh Theatre

Frankie Manning
The Jiving Lindy Hoppers
The Memphis Belle Orchestra
The Squadronaires
Blue Harlem
‘The Sinatra Show’ with David Jacobs & Gary Williams
King Pleasure & the Biscuit Boys
Ray Gelato
The Jive Aces
The Charleston Chasers
The King Swingers
Kit Packham
The Fat Cats
Seymour's Jump
AJ's Big Band
Ben Waters
TJ & the Jive Giants
Perfectly Frank
Fatman Swings

'Rockarama' U.K.Lindy Hop Champions
U.K.Showcase Champions
Twenty other national awards including 6 first places

So it's the time of year to give thanks to those who have given you inspiration. You Lindy Hoppers give that in abundance and continue to amaze with your own personal styles. This is not possible without the quality; professionalism and detail of our teachers, presented in a friendly and fun filled way. Thanks to Graeme and Ann, it is because of you, dance wise, 2017 has been an awesome year.. - Nigel

I must write and congratulate you on your "Lindy Hop Library" DVDs which are without doubt the best instructional DVDs I've seen. Disc 1 gives a great introduction to Lindy Hop with very clear, easy to follow instructions for the basic steps and moves including tips for leader and follower - all this backed up by excellent demonstrations shown from every possible angle at a moderate pace ideal for learning. ~ Mastering each of the sections in turn 9including the practice routine) -provides a solid foundation for moving on to the other discs in the series. - Keith

Thank you both once again for making my birthday weekend so fabulous; your dance class was definitely the highlight of the weekend and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves with great photos to prove it! - Tanya

Fantastic dvd, very well presented and explained - already dancing better - Mike & Jen

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU so much for the fantastic dancing and the lesson that you ran last night. We have had the best feedback on you all - it really made the night.
Regards - Lucy

Absolutely loved your Swing Dance classes in Bath. Swing, motion and all that is fun - fabulous - Gary

Fantastic DVD's!!!! Look forward to mastering them.....thank you so much! - Rosie

Great DVDs, great detailed teaching. Recommended! - John

Please be my teacher - Julie

I would like to extend our thanks to you for the excellent Charleston lessons on Saturday afternoon and also for the fabulous entertainment later in the evening - we have nicknamed you Mr & Mrs Elastic Band!
Kind regards - Paula

Thanks - you were great! and looked fantastic on the video as well. Many thanks - Mike

A big thank you for an enjoyable afternoon at Northfield yesterday. - Di

Graeme Puckett and Ann Peskett, aka Hoppin' Mad, lead the way with a spirited display of the Charleston. At first sight, the dance seems to involve a lot of kicking and gurning, but an elderly gent on the next table practically chokes on his dry martini as Ann hops forward, back somersaults, then lands perfectly in front of the hotel's mirrored deco bar. - THE GUARDIAN

Graeme and Ann show us how it should be done, legs swaggering, arms flaring and fingers-a-twiddlin'. They finish with Ann somersaulting over Graeme's shoulder. - THE TELEGRAPH

George Melly

At a swing dance in Bath

“The last time I saw dancing like that was at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. Wonderful terpsichory”

Nat Gonella

At a jazz club in Gosport

"Fantastic dancing ~ that was just like they used to do it"

At a swing dance in Miami

"You're the only guys here doing it like we used to"

Betty Woods

After a dance with Betty

"It's a long time since I had a lead that good"

Frankie Manning

During a teacher's intro Performance with Frankie - his reaction to our swingout variation
"Ha ha ha - ha ha ha"
Not much I know - but still our best!

Ken Dodd & Hoppin' Mad
Exchange after a charity performance with Ken Dodd

"Smashing dancing"..(then to Ann) "Is he a funny man?" (A) yes VERY funny
Rod Hull & Emu with Hoppin' Mad

After a live T.V. performance and the first and only time we met with Rod & Emu

"Lovely to work with you again"

David Jacobs

At the end of a stage show presented by David Jacobs in which we were featured dancers - and all about to take a final bow.

"Don't bow with me"

At a jazz club in Bath

"Great dancing - you really made the evening"